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Music can evoke the most powerful of emotions in people. I remember hearing Franz Liszt's Liebestraum no.3 for the first time; I scrambled to learn more about the music. My goal is to give my students a love of music while teaching them musical skills they can use for the rest of their life. No matter the ideology, race, religion, or creed, all students can learn and experience the joy of making music. Be it for personal enjoyment, to entertain friends and family, or to prepare for a career in music, my role as a music educator serves these goals and many more.    


I believe music, above all else, is to be enjoyed by the listener and the performer. A performer that fails to enjoy the act of making music can't possibly communicate the message of the music to the audience. In addition to developing an appreciation of music, I wish for students to enjoy the act of making and listening to it. I teach my students in a manner that ensures effective learning while making the experience enjoyable for students. 


Just as there are many different types of students wanting to learn music, there are numerous ways to educate them. I teach my students using a variety of methods and materials including method books, online resources, visual aids, workbooks, and music-related activities. I also use traditional methods for educating students including teaching scales, arpeggios, articulation, healthy technique, and a selection of repertoire ranging from the Baroque period to the 21st century. Every student is different in their unique way which is why it's important to find the most effective and enjoyable teaching method that is tailor-made for the student.   


-Nicholas Knox 

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A Life Surrounded by Music

Born in Atlanta GA, Nick has been performing music since he was nine years old. From his mother singing to herself while preparing a meal to his father strumming the guitar, Nick never went a day without music being in his life. Weather it was singing in the choir or playing piano during a morning church service, Nick knew he didn't simply want to play music, he had to. 

Nick believes that music is a reflection of three things: the music's inspiration, the audience's interpretation, & the performer's interpretation. to Nick, these three things turn the music more than paper with notes and lyrics on it. the music that Nick writes aims to capture his thoughts and perceptions on a topic


Nick is currently attending Piedmont University, where he is studying piano performance. Over the course of his career, Nick has become proficient in classical, rock, gospel, pop, and jazz.   

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"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."

Victor Hugo

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